Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bead Journal Time!

Ok, so I have come back to the land of the living (pretty much), after being down with the FLU since before Christmas!  My husband got it the full week before Christmas & he was so very sweet to share it with me a few days later.  Oh what fun!  All we did was grunt to each other for days...mumbling "Merry Christmas", as we went from the mug of hot lemon, honey & tea, to the box of Kleenex, to the bowl of chicken soup, and back to bed.  UGH!
I am now ready to really start beading, and the Bead Journal Project is just what the doctor ordered!  I have been playing around with colors and some stitches on a piece of cloth, just for ideas & to get a feel for beading on fabric.  I am pretty sure my size will be 6 X 6inches so I can play, but not get overwhelmed by size.  This is not going to be a long
post, because I am ready to start this project and I want to get that first "splash of paint on the blank canvas" to speak!
So, here are a couple photos and I will post more next time...
I promise it will be much sooner than this last time!

Happy beading everyone!


  1. Can't wait to see it! I'm so glad you're back in business!!
    Just take time to eat and sleep now and then........ and be happy!

  2. Yep, I'm gearing it up today too. Actually got my start yesterday when background fabric jumped in my shopping cart at Handcock.

    What are the containers that your beads are displayed in? Also, is the square in front of your fabric a template or embroidery frame. Just wondering.

    Happy Beading.

  3. Hope you and the hubby are feeling better. Love the colors you picked to start with, can't wait to see what you make!
