Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photo help for Bead placement BJP

Ok...This is what I have discovered...Take your beads and place them where you are thinking of sewing them, take a photo with your cell phone camera  - or other camera,
and  email them to yourself.  Viewing the photo on the computer screen is larger than on the phone screen and you'll be able to save the shot, plus refer to it as you work!
Here I have laid out the light greenish- yellow beads and the aqua-blue beads, to see if it's how I want them.  I like this and have since begun sewing the beads on my piece.
I also realized that the photo gives a different perspective of my piece, and the view is most helpful in being sure I am achieving the right look.
I am just loving this entire process and experience and am thrilled to be a part of the
BJP 2010!  Watch for more pictures as I get this piece finished.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bead Journal update

So...after the week from "He double hockey-sticks!"
Anyone who has Fibromyalgia will know that pressure (stress)
can set off a flare-up and this last week, with really
rotten weather...very heavy rain, and preparing for a formal
Dinner Party this last Saturday("good" silver & all!)...
WHEW! is all I can say!  MY entire body hurt...
even my hands & fingers swelled and were/are in pain!
All went wonderful at the dinner...I am still recovering
So...beading was is on hold for a few days...I should be
back to it in the next couple days, but just didn't want
anyone to think I had disappeared.
I will report more in a day or so with pictures of what
I had accomplished before the wrath of Fibro hit.

Happy Beading everyone!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Bead Journal Project - January -In progress...

Ok, well, here is my first attempt at bead journaling beading on fabric
(stiff felt this time).  I am using 6"X9" as my size for the year...
I decided to put the beads I am working with on a bead pad instead
of that clear plastic tray - it was too full of static & all my beads went
scurrying around!, too funny!
So, I am busy beading & just wanted to get some pictures out to
document my progress.
More later!

Debi W.

I have tried over & over to turn this photo. It is correct on my computer (along with two others, but when I chose it to put on the post it turns on it's side!...
Oh get the idea of what I am beading, anyway...

Debi W.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January's Bead Journal Project Started!!

So, I have finally started my January BJP, and I must say
I am have fun!  I did not use the color palette that I showed
in pictures in my last blog, I was using those colors in a
practice piece.  I am working in size 6"X9"...
OK, ok.   I know it's big, but I feel bigger is easier
& will give me space to explore. well, it sounds good, anyway.
I just started drawing i my sketchbook, which is 6X9,
and went from there.  Someone remind me
of my Bigger is easier" theory in a few months, PLEASE?
I have decided to take the words of a song I like
as my inspiration for each piece this year.  I love music
& wording is very important in my choices.  I was going through
some of the Blogs last week & found "PLAYLIST" on a couple,
and thrilled to find I could add it to my Blog, too!  I had so much
fun picking songs, that I spent more hours doing that instead of
working on my beading!  It was then I realized I needed to
incorporate the two.
So, this month's inspiration is the words to the song "The Climb",
 by Miley Cyrus...
Yes, she is quite young, but the words to that song can be
for any age, any time in life.
I will post photos when I am a bit further along...
my color choices or where I am at the moment are crucial.

Happy Beading everyone!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bead Journal Time!

Ok, so I have come back to the land of the living (pretty much), after being down with the FLU since before Christmas!  My husband got it the full week before Christmas & he was so very sweet to share it with me a few days later.  Oh what fun!  All we did was grunt to each other for days...mumbling "Merry Christmas", as we went from the mug of hot lemon, honey & tea, to the box of Kleenex, to the bowl of chicken soup, and back to bed.  UGH!
I am now ready to really start beading, and the Bead Journal Project is just what the doctor ordered!  I have been playing around with colors and some stitches on a piece of cloth, just for ideas & to get a feel for beading on fabric.  I am pretty sure my size will be 6 X 6inches so I can play, but not get overwhelmed by size.  This is not going to be a long
post, because I am ready to start this project and I want to get that first "splash of paint on the blank canvas" to speak!
So, here are a couple photos and I will post more next time...
I promise it will be much sooner than this last time!

Happy beading everyone!